Declaring His Doings

Email 20/3/17

Hello everybody,

Okay, a lot has happened since last week, I’m going to see if I can remember everything that has happened.

The hot water in our house is finally working again! A plumber came over and had to spend the better part of Monday and Tuesday night cleaning the pipes, replacing faucets and cleaning the hot water heater to fix whatever the problem was. I’ve never appreciated a hot shower more in my life.

We’ve taught Miguel and Jessica several times during the week, and they are still progressing! They’ve accepted an invitation to be baptized in three weeks, on April 8! Their testimonies of the truthfulness of the Restored Gospel have definitely been growing and it’s been such a testament to me of the wonderful power of change that the gospel has. However, we did just find out yesterday that Miguel’s new job might mean that he had to work on Sundays from now on; if it’s every Sunday or just every one in a while, we’re not sure yet, we still need to talk to him more about it, but we have faith that everything will work out in the end.

On Wednesday night, we were walking back from Miguel’s house and stopped to talk to this one homeless guy from Finland that’s a friend of ours; in fact, we had purchased him some bread and lunch meat that morning so he’d have something besides beer to eat. Anyways, he was watching the dog of another homeless guy, and suddenly, without warning, the dog leapt at me and bit my leg! He ripped a pretty big hole in one of my pairs of proselyting pants, but luckily, the only injury that I received was a little red mark, this size of a bug bite, on my leg. They say that you don’t become a real missionary until a dog attacks you, so I guess this could be considered as a significant milestone.

We also found a few new investigators this week from people that we’ve contacted the last few weeks. One of them is this 75 year old man named Pepe Luis who might be the nicest old man that I’ve met on my mission so far. He lives in Salobreña, and we went out there one evening to visit him, and had a good lesson about faith and The Restoration. Another one of our new investigators is named Lenut, he’s from Romania, and is going through a really hard time in his life right now, but seems very interested in the gospel, which is great, because the gospel helps us get through those hard times in life. 

I love these scriptures from 2 Nefi 22: “Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid; for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also has become my salvation. Therefore, with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation. And in that day shall ye say: Praise the Lord, call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted.” I love being able to be a missionary and being able to declare the doings of Christ amongst the people here in Motril by preaching the message of his Restored gospel. There is nothing else I would be rather doing with my life right now. Elder Pack and I have seen a lot of miracles during our six weeks together, and we’re both super excited because we just got word that we’ll be spending another six weeks together here! It’s going to be great. 

I love you all, thanks for all of your support.

Élder Stark ??


1: Them mountains ?


2: Thanks for fixing our water 


3: RIP Pants ? 


4: Where’d my house go?


5: Until next time




