Yesterday was the one month mark of me being a set apart missionary, I didn’t even notice until I was writing in my journal before bed. It’s insane how fast the CCM is going by, and weird to think that I’ll be out somewhere in southern Spain in less than two weeks.
On Friday, one of our teachers, Hermano Arnal, brought our class into the elevator to play a game. We had to recite the first vision, memorized, in Spanish by the time the elevator went from the top floor to the bottom floor, or in about 25 seconds! Only me and one other Hermana in my district could do it, it was really stressful haha, but I guess it shows that my spanish is progressing, and I know that I can attribute most of that success to the Lord helping me with it.
Saturday was another opportunity to proselyte in the park. My campion was Elder Ivanov, from Russia who I’m sure speaks really good Russian, but not a whole lot of English. That didn’t matter though, as we were still able to have really good conversations in the park with people about the restored gospel. It was more difficult than previous weeks for us, but a lot of other companionships found success, and that’s all that matters.
On Sunday, my district sang the As Sisters in Zion / Army of Helaman medley in sacrament meeting. It was a really good experience, and was the first time that I have really sang in front of people, but it went really well, and there was such a strong spirit in the room as we sang.
Sometime during this week, some of the Russian bound elders thought it would be a good idea to have a CCM wide Rock Paper Scissors tournament. I don’t want to brag or anything, but I did win out of basically the entire CCM.
Right after I finish this email, we’re taking a 40 minute metro ride out to a palace that we can go in and tour, and then we have the opportunity to attend the temple this afternoon, which is wonderful as always!
I sincerely hope that all of you have excellent weeks!